The New Maturity | Get Better With Age

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Install A Bird Feeder

Instant calm is right outside your window

My dream bird feeder is clear and mounts on a window. Ideally, you want it to be in a place that you can easily access for effortless filling and cleaning. The feeder gets filled about once a week. I purchase the seed at the grocery store: nothing fancy, just a mix of sunflower seeds, nuts, and millet. Now comes the fun part. I like to sit inside near the feeder and watch the birds come and go. Try not to move too much or you will scare them off. Observe how they move. Some birds land on the feeder with grace. As they riffle through the seed, they look like tiny robots with animatronic glitches. Thud! A blue jay lands, scaring off a smaller wren. The jay makes a mess and scatters seeds below since it only wants the peanuts. The squirrels and other critters below are thankful for the millet crumbs to keep them fed over the winter.