My Perfect Day

Artist Susie Bauer lays out a plan for making time for nature, hiking, and singing in her car.


Illustration by Susie Bauer

My perfect day is definitely spent outside, away from my computer. Some of my favorite hiking trails are just a 30-minute drive away. Getting an early start is important to me so I can have the trails to myself; so a sunrise departure is perfect. In Southern California, the landscape changes dramatically from lush green to dry brown with the change of seasons (yes, we have those!). I love them both! On my hike I'll be on the lookout for wildflowers, squirrels in the live oaks and interesting shadows. Winding uphill is a beautiful meditation and I am never in a rush. After I'm done, there is a favorite coffee stand that I'll grab a drink from and head down to the beach to watch for dolphins. It's funny, I never play music in the car on the way there in the mornings, but on my way home, I'll take the long way back and blast my favorites and sing along at the top of my lungs. 

Susie Bauer is an illustrator and co-founder of Rock Scissor Paper - a gift & stationery company in Los Angeles, CA


My Standards: Guido Martelli


Not Tying One On