The New Maturity | Get Better With Age

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Finding The Right Fit

An ill-fitting sweatshirt was headed to the Salvation Army. Instead of clogging its intake system, was there a way I could creatively recycle?

We have lots of dishes that get washed by hand. They tend to make a jumble on our counter and drying rack. I’m not a fan of this clutter so I end up drying the dishes with dish towels. 

These towels are pretty easy to make, and the sweatshirt in question fit the bill! Cut the fabric to the desired size (mine are a bit larger than normal). Sew straight lines. Add a belt loop from an old pair of jeans for more customization. Voila: You’re done. 

It’s fun to put some music on and work with your hands. No screens. Just you, sewing straight lines. Pretty basic but so satisfying. And you won’t find them at Target because you took the time to make them.